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Not all training is created equal. Here's how to be sure your team is getting the education it needs.
What’s the truth about virtual training initiatives, specifically, and how should business owners go about approaching them to achieve the best results possible? Here’s the truth about virtual training for your business, what about it to embrace eagerly, and what to ignore.
Not all training is the same!
There are two primary types of virtual training; the first type of virtual training happens in your office, where employees learn on company machines by using software purchased by the company. The second type of virtual training is defined by allowing employees to learn at home, where they can access company-acquired software on their own personal devices to learn in their free time.
Of the many pros and cons of workplace training, there’s no denying that the worst aspect of it is that there’s no in-person teaching occuring. Thus, it’s essential that your workforce is capable of digesting complex instructions without the help of an in-person expert to facilitate the learning process.
Consider the tech at play:
You can’t make good use of virtual training if you’re deeply unfamiliar with the latest technological advancements. You don’t have to be a regular IT expert, but knowing the basics is a necessary facet of taking advantage of this new kind of training. Business owners who aren’t up to date on how virtual reality technology is being leveraged to maximize training opportunities could be dismissing a tool that proves incredibly useful in their specific circumstances.
Know how to do it with success:
Finally, business owners who are considering virtual training initiatives should study up on how to do it with success unless they want to waste valuable time, money, and energy. Begin by clearly stating your goals and asking yourself how a virtual training regime will help you meet them; if you need to ensure your workforce is up to date on the latest technology, for instance, you should be asking yourself how this particular piece of software will introduce them to and familiarize them with such technology. If you’re looking for warmer, more positive customer relations, ask yourself if other methods might be far preferable.
Original Article Source: Business.com - Writer: Chris Porteous
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