
One Step Way

You may have heard of the path of a thousand miles that begins with a single step, and no one told you whether this path is difficult or enjoyable. All we know about it is that it begins with just one step.

 No one has spoken about the method of a single step, to my knowledge, as if a single step does not assume its absolute importance unless it is followed by a thousand miles. This is because some approaches neglect the parts and respect the whole, thus respecting the thousand miles and blocking the light from the fact that a thousand miles is a series of continuous interconnected steps.

I will limit myself to mentioning the word "inclination" and focus on the one-step path that begins with one simple idea, one simple feeling, and one simple behavior. The one-step path is very sacred and very enjoyable, regardless of its path.

The path of one step begins with one breath, one inhale, one exhale, with one blink of an eye, and it takes you to abandon the position of your foot only now, abandon the position of your previous foot to plant it in the next step. It is said that the chicken knows this by her simple nature.

When you abandon your basic standing point, you will abandon an idea and everything that accompanies that idea of ​​fears, illusions, judgments, suspicions, and ethereal restrictions that the group formulated for you and adopted without you realizing it.

By taking one step, you will deserve the next step, and this is one of the universal laws that have been in effect since creation. The more you climb the ladder by one step, the higher you deserve and the closer it becomes to you, and from here the word “staircase” came from the progression and degrees.

The one-step path requires only one thought, and from it you will reach your goal, whether it is a mile or a thousand miles. Forgive me for using the word "tendency" and violating the law that I recently established. Perhaps I took a step forward and forgot the bag of old laws because they are no longer binding.

Written by certified international coach Aws Dayoub

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