
Fadi Hassoun image

Courses delivered by this trainer:

Banking Skills Diploma / on Aug 26, 2023   Details
Banking Skills Diploma with a group of certified trainers by the British Academy for Training and Education (TTDA Academy).
Banking Skills Diploma / on Aug 26, 2023   Details
Banking Skills Diploma with a group of certified trainers by the British Academy for Training and Education (TTDA Academy).
Banking Skills Diploma / on Aug 26, 2023   Details
Banking Skills Diploma with a group of certified trainers by the British Academy for Training and Education (TTDA Academy).
Banking Skills Diploma / on Aug 26, 2023   Details
Banking Skills Diploma with a group of certified trainers by the British Academy for Training and Education (TTDA Academy).
Banking Skills Diploma / on Aug 20, 2023   Details
Banking Skills Diploma with a group of certified trainers by the British Academy for Training and Education (TTDA Academy).

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