
Determine your goals for self-management" session with the certified trainer Shorouk Melhem"

Determine your goals for self-management

A session on "Defining Your Goals for Self-management" with trainer Shorouk Melhem

How do you plan for your future and how do you set your goals?
In this session, you will learn about the importance of planning for the future

Session themes:

1- Determine the goal

2- Target discovery
3- Solid Ground (Data of our values ​​and goals)
4- If you know your goal, you will reach it
5- How to plan your life: an example of planning
6- The importance of postponing to continue achieving the goal
7-Don't postpone today's work for tomorrow
8- Get rid of the habit of postponing and procrastinating
9- Changing habits

10- Extrapolation of the past

11- Self-motivation
12- Energy generation through training and food
13- Organizing the mind and making use of the subconscious mind in achieving goals
14- Breaking restrictions

And that's on: Saturday 25th of March Time: 12 noon
Location: Lattakia - Haroun Circle, Beginning of Al-Tarbia Street


All you have to do is send your name and specify your goals via the following link to be provided with details:

Or contact via the following numbers:



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