
A workshop on "Nutrition of Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts" by the certified international trainer, Sola Seifo

A workshop on

Based on corporate social responsibility and  supporting young graduates, the Training Development Center announced, as part of a free development grant, a workshop entitled "Nutrition of Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts" presented by the certified international trainer, Sola Seifo, over a period of 6 training hours on Saturday 3/6/2023 and Saturday  10/6/2023 The trainees learned about the most important foods in the world of diet, the most important hormones that help in weight gain or loss, and the proposed plans for calculating weights and calories, within the following training axes:

Understanding the basics of healthy nutrition and its impact on public health.

Learn about the essential nutrients and the role of each in the body.

Determine individual nutritional needs and how to meet them.

- Learn how to prepare healthy and delicious meals and how to plan meals.

We wish trainer Sola Seifo and all the trainees continued success and development in their lives and work.

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