Welcome to (TTDA London) Training and Teaching Development Academy, UK.
Based on corporate social responsibility and supporting young graduates, the Training Development Center announced, as part of the free development grant, a workshop entitled "How to Become a Leader at Your Business?" presented by the certified international trainer Osama Soufi over 6 training hours on Saturday 13/5/2023 and Sunday 14/5/2023 Through which the trainees learned about the concept of leadership in general, its types, and how leadership can become effective in particular, within the following training axes:
- What is the definition of leadership?
- Types of leadership in the business world.
- Effective (reliable) leadership.
- Misconceptions about leadership.
- innovation and creativity.
- The difference between intelligence and creativity.
We wish trainer Osama Soufi and all the trainees continued success and development in their lives and work.
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