Welcome to (TTDA London) Training and Teaching Development Academy, UK.
A unique professional training program that complements the first phase of Heba Al-Ageli Club for Positive Thinking within the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy, which started on 6/22/2022 and continued for 24 training hours to train on the importance of Spreading awareness of ideas and their great ability to change our way of life, according to a scientific approach based on the Nazism of transferring reality to the Russian physicist Vadim Zilan
As the program consists of several educational themes
The space of possibilities
lucky wave
balance forces
mind and soul
God's dream
A group of distinguished graduates will be successfully graduated from the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development according to the standards of the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy
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