
Certified International Trainer Training

Certified International Trainer Training

One of the most important professional trainings provided within the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy is the International Certified Trainer (ICT) training course provided by the international coach Hiba Al-Ageli at a rate of 40 training hours during which a group of distinguished people is trained to learn how to become qualified As brilliant academic trainers and use the most important training theories in the world and master the ingenuity of initiation and drawing attention to the tone of voice, body language and words and how to choose the appropriate type of training according to the training material and become brilliant and persuasive lecturers by informing them of the most important and latest psychological and social skills to graduate successfully from the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development according to the standards of the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy and apply these skills in their field of work professionally


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