Welcome to (TTDA London) Training and Teaching Development Academy, UK.
Today, the most important companies in the world are distinguished by the ISO 9001 standard, and everyone has the right today to be one of its pioneers and apply it in their institutions, companies, or wherever they work. Therefore, the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resource Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy, w...
reading continueOne of the most important professional trainings provided within the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy is the International Certified Trainer (ICT) training course provided by the international coach Hiba Al-Ageli at a rate of 40 training hours during which a group of d...
reading continueOne of the professional trainings provided by the certified trainer Mohammad Abboud within the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy, at a rate of 12 training hours during which a group of our distinguished students are trained on the most important concepts related to market...
reading continueA Professional training started by the certified trainer Ammar Said on 16/1/2022 within the Development Center for Business Administration Training and Human Resources Development accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA Academy. To assume senior leadership positions in any organization or company by developing their leadership skills and deepening their managerial and beh...
reading continueMeditate ThetaHeling to download financial get rich and get rich software
reading continueThe Marketing and Sales Management course was held within the Training Development Center accredited by TTDA
reading continueThe art of communication workshop was held with trainer Bashar Hassan within the training development center accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA
reading continueA nutrition course was held with trainer Ali Kharouf within the Training Development Center accredited by the British Academy of Education and Training TTDA
reading continueThe 12/12 session entitled Restart2022 with Coach Hiba Alageli was held within the Training Development Center accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training (TTDA)
reading continueThe Heba Alageli Positive Thinking Club has started online on the Zoom application within the Training Development Center accredited by the British Academy for Education and Training TTDA
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