Business Administration

Business management diploma

The Business Administration Diploma course started within the Development Center for Training accredited by the British Academy of Education and Training TTDA

management theories

Nature and benefits of management

Strategy components and levels

Strategy Formulation Patterns

The organization's mission, value and goals

SWOT Analysis

Business portfolio analysis

Executing the strategy

Management systems and administrative methods used

HR Planning

making decisions

The concept and its types

Participation in decision-making and the role of knowledge

The nature of leadership and the character of leadership

Leadership and management

Principles of missionary

leadership Leader and manager

leadership styles

Modern trends in leadership

Fundamentals and theories of motivation

Motivating employees through participation

Sales principles

Al Suwaiq Principles

How do teams work effectively?

Oversight: its nature, purpose, stages, and tools

customers service

Resistance to censorship and ways to overcome it

time management

The importance of communication and its role in management

Persuasion and credibility in the administration

Active Meetings

Ways to improve the effectiveness of communication

Communication Strategies

Negotiation goals and objectives



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