
Your Breath Is Your Hidden Gem!

  Rome wasn’t built in one day, Mindfulness & Inner peace won’t be either! It comes from being committed & discipled, from showing up every single day.

     How often you find yourself jumping into your day without having what I called “Brain warm up”. If you pay close attention to your body & your vibes throughout the day, you will take no time to notice how 85% of your muscles feel tense & contracted! This has a lot to do with how you choose to spend the first hour after waking up, what you give your attention to, & how you react to triggers & glimmers around you.

     In this blog I’ll be sharing with you how in a few easy steps you can reverse this pattern, curve more space so you feel more balanced & centered throughout your day. How you meet yourself in the morning, sets the tone for how you hold yourself throughout your day. This will lead you to having a better capacity for mindfulness.

     One of your greatest options to start your day is deep breathing. It's an organic gem scientifically proven by the American Institute of stress psychology hidden within you waiting to be activated. When you start off your morning with deep abdominal breathing, this has the power to activate your vagus nerve (vagus nerve extends from the base of the brain & branches out to the organs, serving as a conduit of chemicals) this will also boost your happy hormones & eventually suppress your cortisol levels.

     The steps for the next 7 days are to start your morning by practicing 3 ratios 5:5:5 breathing, INHALE for 5 counts, HOLD for 5, & EXHALE for 5 counts, repeat for 10x each day. Tune in attentively to your body by placing your right hand over your heart & noticing how you feel after the practice, perhaps your body’s sensations changed, your mood shifts, or you felt more on the expansive side.

     Committing to this practice can change the alchemy of your body, brain, & spirit. Remember that yourbody is your sweet sanctuary, the more you invest & show up for it from a place of love, over & over again, the more aligned & centered you will get.

International Certified Coach Doaa Farhat.

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