
Life Is the Art Of Drawing Without an Eraser

Life Is the Art Of Drawing Without an Eraser

In this article, we write for you some words about the difficulty of life... Talk about difficult life. Evil is not deep in the human psyche to the extent that we sometimes imagine. It is in that hard shell with which they face life’s struggle to survive. If they believe, that hard shell will reveal a sweet fruit. appetite.

Contemporary life does not complain about those who rely on people who do not work, but rather it complains about workers who do not trust them. Principles are not only the way for life to rise, but they are its crown. Do not lower principles to the level of low means, and do not leave them suspended without a support that gives them vitality and the ability to renew their connection to life. In school, they teach you the lesson and then test you, but life tests you and then teaches you the lesson. Human life begins when life can outside himself. I am a tourist seeking the truth, a person searching for the meaning of humanity among people, and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability, and a good life for his country under true Islam.

The man is the secret of the life of nations and the source of their renaissance. The history of all nations is the history of the brilliant men who appeared in them, strong in spirit and will. The strength or weakness of nations is measured by their fertility in producing men who meet the conditions for true manhood. The aspects of life are indivisible, and strength is strength in all of them, and weakness is weakness in all of them as well. Life may be short or long, as everything depends on the way we live it. The challenge never waits, and life does not look back. One week is an interval of time.

A person who does not know how to listen cannot hear the advice that life prepares at every moment. I am only sorry because I only have one life to sacrifice for the sake of the country. The basic principle of tolerance is to be able to live with people who you know for sure are wrong. I miss that sleep that used to come alone at night, to gently seep into me, comfort my mind, and wash away my worries, a delicious numbness, to escape with the first moments in which the morning light invades the room, coming softly, leaving softly, and I wake up like a newborn receiving life for the first time. Life is happy when it begins with love and ends with ambition.I traveled more than Sinbad traveled, I saw the greatest cities and seas, I met fools who thought they were guiding the world, I entered the richest palaces and the poorest huts, I listened to the logic of philosophers and the delirium of lovers, I experienced success and failure, love and hate, wealth and poverty, and I lived a life full of experience and travel. , reading, and contemplating, but I admit that I did not discover the meaning of happiness except during these moments when we were prostrating in the Sacred House of God in Mecca. It is nice to learn from life's lessons to keep only beautiful memories with others, and to learn spontaneity and naivety, if you wish, in dealing with new faces, without being vulnerable to foolishness or deception that leads you into the pits of the road.

Life isn't fair, get used to it. Why torture yourself when life takes care of it? They thought that the Prophet did not grieve, just as some people thought that the brave did not fear or love life, and that the generous did not know the value of money. But a heart that does not know the value of money has no merit in generosity, a heart that does not fear has no merit in courage, and a heart that does not grieve has no merit in patience. The merit lies in sadness and overcoming it, in fear and transcendence over it, and in knowing money and preferring it.Generosity during life is very different from generosity at the hour of death. One arises from genuine tolerance and benevolence, while the other arises from vanity or fear. Life is a flood of memories pouring into the sea of ​​forgetfulness. As for death, it is the established truth. Some we love, but we do not get close to them. They are far more beautiful, they are far more refined, and they are far more precious. Some we love and strive to get close to them and share the details of life with them, but being away from them hurts us and is difficult for us.

The issue today is a matter of life and death. Either we die and lose our land and our people, or we surrender and lose some of our dignity, and people’s lives take precedence over the dignity of others. Life oscillates like a tranquilizer between pain and boredom. Life's adversities burn a person in the fire of pain. My criterion for health and life has become the extent to which I achieve this level of health, even with illness. Were it not for pain, illness would be a relief that favors laziness. Were it not for illness, health would prey on the most beautiful inclinations of compassion in man. Were it not for health, man would not perform a duty or initiate a good deed. Were it not for duties and honors, man’s existence in this life would have no meaning.

It is our teachers who give us the way to live a good life. The need to be right is a sign of a rude mind. Laughter relieves life's stress, lowers blood pressure, enhances the body's immunity, relieves pain, reduces anxiety, relaxes the brain, encourages communication with others, inspires creativity, and supports morale. Isn't there a person laughing every second of life? So the laughter continues. Life without love and optimism is not life. Loneliness is a luxury, a luxury that not everyone can afford. I mean the need for people, the need for striving, the need for running through the paths of life, and the need for mingling with those you do not want to know. This is loneliness.Loneliness has never been good company, Don Jose. Great sorrows, great temptations, and great mistakes are almost always the result of one remaining alone in life without an intelligent friend from whom one can seek advice when something happens that disturbs our peace more than is usual in the rest of the days. Loneliness is not an obligation but a way of life.

Those working in education say, after studying experience and suffering, that the teacher is the backbone in the education process, and he is the one who breathes the soul into it, and the blood of life flows through its veins, even though in the field of education and upbringing there are various factors and many other influences from the curriculum to the book, to administration, to... The school atmosphere, guidance, or inspection, all of which participate in guidance and influence in varying proportions, but the teacher remains the living nerve of education.

No, my son, do not be keen on this profession. Leave it if you can. It is an ordeal, not a profession. It is a slow death, not a life. The teacher is the unknown martyr who lives and dies without anyone knowing about him, and people only mention him to laugh at his anecdotes and foolishness. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience; That's the perfect life. O you who know that after this world there is an afterlife, and that after life there is death, and that there must be a pause for judgment and a walk on the path, repent from now and do not postpone repentance until tomorrow. Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself. In the moments of farewell, say what you want without hesitation, fear, or shame, as life may not give you another opportunity to say what you want. Divorce is not easy. It is a scratch on the body of life that remains for a lifetime. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. All we need to succeed in life is ignorance and confidence.

There must be a global revolution that puts an end to all the material conditions that hinder women from performing their natural role in life. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success. Culture is knowing yourself, knowing people, knowing things and relationships, and as a result you will behave well in the phases of life that come your way. From a historical perspective, law is considered a phenomenon that expresses a mature stage of cultural life.It appears at a time when people's religious and social aspirations are balanced. The ultimate goal of life is not knowledge but action. It is impossible to live life without trust, as this would be like being imprisoned in the worst dungeon of all, which is the self. The inability to strive and the inability to live are linked. If you want to automate cars and save people's lives, the skills you need are not taught in any discipline. Life is a series of lessons that must be lived in order to be understood. Life is either a great adventure or nothing.Our goals are completely clear: a high standard of living in the country, and a safe, free and comfortable life. Life is like the moon, sometimes full and sometimes empty. Life is a ladder, some people go up the stairs and others go down. In the death of the wolf there is life for the sheep. Death pure is better than life impure. Life is a rose, breathe it and give it to your friend. There is no despair with life, and there is no life with despair. I like to look on the bright side of life, but I'm realistic enough to realize that life is a complex complex. Don't let life's challenges steal your dreams from you, learn from them and you will find them to be your best friends. Life contracts and expands according to one's courage. The courage we want and reward is not the courage to die honorably, but the courage to live manfully.

Maintain your plans in life with sufficient flexibility to allow you to deal with various circumstances and variables. Every situation in life requires special treatment, and intelligence is to deal with each situation individually in a way that suits it. All you have to do is knock on the door or look out the window, you don't need to twist and turn. Every noble principle, if it is not governed by a permissive and controlling religion, makes the behavior of its owner in life unnoble.Having a mission in life, this is the first common factor among successful people. It can be said in general that the most successful person in life is the one who has the best and best information. Perhaps one of the wonders of life is that if you reject everything that is below the level of the summit, you always reach it. We all meet, at least once in a lifetime, men who utter words that make us think forever. There are men whose words are like revelation, who can concentrate all the secrets of life in one sentence, and who utter sayings that shape character and clarify existence.

The most difficult chapter of wisdom in life is knowing how to become a great old man. When you are still, you find that your ability to understand life is at its purest. People mature through experience if they face life with courage and credibility. This is how the qualities that distinguish a human being are acquired. I am a happy man, because I acknowledge that life is based on the struggle between good and evil, and that there are inherent imperfections in this world. I love life very much, but I reject humiliation, submission, and aggression against myself.

Every struggle in life is very similar to a boxing match. It does not matter if you lose a round. All you have to do is knock out your opponent within seconds, and thus you will be the winner. The point is not in the years you lived, but in the pulse of life in those years. Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

Written by certified international coach Ali Othman.

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